Tactics to Improve Dialogue Between Medical Coders and Auditors
Unlock the potential of your healthcare revenue by watching our recorded educational webinar, “Tactics to Improve Dialogue Between Medical Coders and Auditors.” This insightful session was hosted by MDaudit Director of Market Strategy, an expert in the field.
Expect to learn:
- Set benchmarks with a consistent weighting & scoring methodology
- Close the loop with effective education strategies
- Plan for the future with insights into autonomous coding
- Break down coder silos for streamlined communication
- Take a risk-based approach to auditing coders
- Blend prospective & retrospective approaches to auditing coders
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn best practices that foster communication between medical auditors and coders, ensuring claims are billed with the utmost accuracy and integrity. Maximize your reimbursements by watching the webinar now!