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Published in Healthcare Business Today – Revenue Integrity in the Era of Heightened Regulatory Scrutiny

Nov 5, 2020 1 minute read

Healthcare Business Today recently published the article “Revenue Integrity in the Era of Heightened Regulatory Scrutiny” written by Hayes’ Vice President of Platform Strategy and Innovation, Vasilios Nassiopoulos.

Here is an excerpt:

The healthcare industry continues to see an uptick in oversight of federal healthcare payments. In late 2019, HHS’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reported that Medicare made $54.4 million in improper payments to acute care hospitals due to incorrectly coded claims. It also recommended that CMS direct its contractors to recover the lost money.

Enter 2020 and the introduction of COVID-19 incentive payments, and today’s C-Suite can expect a continuation of this trajectory in terms of increased scrutiny. In fact, the OIG recently announced its audit plans related to hospital payments covering COVID-19 discharges under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Visit Healthcare Business Today for the full article.

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